Capital market paves the way for developing and creating job and improving level of welfare\nby directing capitals and savings of people. Economic growth and welfare improvement cannot\nbe achieved in long term without considering investing and main factors existing in the\nenvironment. This paper evaluates factors affecting transactors and managers decision\nmaking for investing. Independent variables include dividend per share (DPS), yield, price\ntrend, market status, consulting and recommendations of brokers, and perceived risk which is\nconsidered as features of capitalists. Also, dependent variable contains transactors and\nmanagers decision making. Statistical population includes all capitalists referred to hall of the\nTehran Stock Exchange in 2012. The sample is simply randomized. Data is collected through\nlibrary and field methods by distributing questionnaires among 130 stock capitalists. Then, the\nresearch hypothesis is examined and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with\nrespect to collected data. Finally, the obtained results from distributed questionnaires are analyzed using SPSS software. The results show that capitalists do not rely on the financial\nstatements and financial ratios and the accounting system as a whole, in return, they consider\nthe more tangible criteria such as price trend and market status.